Dear Parents,

You can access this website anywhere with your phone to practice your week's words. Please see lessons for the sentences (sent home in planners). 

November 18 (rhyming words): run, fun, spun, glad, sad, had (sight words): up, going, we, was

November 12 (rhyming words):  day, play, tray, may, red, sled, shed (sight words): yes, he, for

November 4 (rhyming words): got, spot, dot, went, spent, me, she (sight words): on, no, you

October 28 (rhyming words): it, quit, like, spike, my, why, in, chin (sight words): go, is

October 21 (rhyming words): and, can, at, am, land, that, swam, than (sight words): to, the

October 15 (short e): hen, red, vet, bed, leg, them, when, check, shed, mess

October 7 (short u): pup, rug, gum, fun, nut, rush, thud, puck, buzz, much

October 1 (short o): job, got, pop, box, rot, sock, shop, moth, Bob, dog

September 23 (short i): hid, kid, dig, pig, fin, tin, quit, sit, thick, chick

September 16 (short a): rat, man, yam, bat, van, jam, cat, an, Pam, am

Happy Spelling, Jeannie Klettke





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